December 2018
  1. PARTNER'S LETTER DECEMBER 2018 By Alan and Jenny Pateman
Partners Letter December 2018
Alan and Jenny Pateman
December, 2018
​​These personal Partners Letters are being sent to our faithful Partners only. 

“Saul’s power increased greatly as he became more and more proficient in proving that Jesus was the anointed Messiah" (Acts 9:22 TPT)

Hello again dear APMI Partner and Friend,

How are you? We trust that you are doing well and going into this Christmas with great joy and expectation. However, if you’re just feeling all the usual strains and stresses, then allow me to encourage you to keep J.E.S.U.S front and centre, this holiday. Christmas can be a bitter-sweet period for many people, which is only diffused by the giving of gifts (the part we all like).

Our opening scripture reveals that, “Saul’s power increased greatly as…” But what exactly was he doing that provoked such a “power increase”? He was busy revealing Christ to the world around him. If we’ll do the same, we’ll get the same results. We too will increase in power.

It’s only as we reveal Jesus that our lives become 
powerful, purposeful and deliberate

Contrary to this Ecclesiastes 6:2 describes the powerless and frustrated existences that most people face (including some believers), who seem to have everything, yet enjoy nothing.

"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it weighs heavily on men: a man to whom God has given riches and wealth and honour, so that he lacks nothing of all that he desires, yet God has not given him the power or capacity to enjoy them, all those things which are gifts from God, but a stranger in whom he has no interest succeeds him and enjoys them. This is vanity and it is a cause of great distress" (Ecclesiastes 6:2 AMP).

What a tease! Yet most people are dying from this kind of frustration, in fact the Young’s Literal Translation pulls zero punches when it declares: “it is an evil disease”(!) No joke. 

Think of all the people you know who fit this description; who don’t have the “power to eat” (KJV) or the “capacity to enjoy” (AMP) what they have. Perhaps they’ve finally reached retirement but can’t enjoy it because their health’s deteriorated too much. Or perhaps they’re still young and vital but their wages run like water through their fingers, always having plenty but achieving nothing meaningful with it. 

Thankfully as believers, we have been given the “power to eat” and the “ability to enjoy,” but also possess the “ability to use it” for the benefit of others. This life was never meant to be so self-absorbed and obsessed. We have been given the “power to get wealth” but always with the establishment of His covenant in mind (Deuteronomy 8:18) and not for the consumption of our “own lusts” (James 4:3). 

Nehemiah was not selfish. His heart was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Paul was not selfish, but yearned for his own people and for the maturity of the early church. 

Those who are truly empowered…
are not so taken up with SELF

The self-absorbed life has no “power to eat” but the life focused on revealing J.E.S.U.S like Paul did, is the kind of life that sees a power increase regularly. (“Saul grew more and more powerful” Acts 9:22 NIV). And we can be confident that when God adds the increase, “He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22), instead He prefers that we serve Him, “with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things” (Deuteronomy 28:47 KJV).

The key to power…
is living a life that consistently REVEALS JESUS

There is no better opportunity than Christmas time, when it’s a time of giving. Be sure to spend your Christmas giving this year. It’s your giving that reveals Jesus the most. It’s only then that you will feel “empowered” and “increased” yourself, (something we’re all going to need in 2019!)

So as you give your Christmas seed this month, be duly empowered! Because it is your giving that helps this particular ministry REVEAL JESUS around the globe. Not only does this qualify your empowerment but also your faithful partnership means that our heavenly reward is also yours! 

Remember that any time you use your own resources to reveal Christ, (or help others do so), you’ll experience a power increase of your own. (You can never out give God. He is no man’s debtor and His faithfulness exceeds ours). You will experience a heightened ability to “enjoy” all that God has for you, (minus the frustration). 

So as you give your seed of any amount: 
€5, €10, €20, €50 (or more) 
may God significantly increase His power in your life…

Be empowered for 2019*
From Apostle, Drs Alan and Jennifer Pateman


NOTE: Don't forget you can buy Dr. Alan's books as Paperback or Kindle version of all Amazon markets (also available as eBooks on iTunes and NookStore).